Room automation is not just room automation! Every building project has its own special features and different prerequisites. Nevertheless, planning with e.control is simple and clear. The e.control CD with its comprehensive product and planning information will help you to do this. They can be viewed directly from the CD with the e.control Viewer. It starts automatically when you insert the CD. Simply select the desired category from the main menu. All available documents are clearly sorted in a tree view.
Planning with e.control
Clear and comprehensive planning with the e.control-Viewer
Everything clearly accessible
On the e.control CD, specialist planners will find all the important tools, including product information, specialist planning aids, tender texts and technical data sheets. For system integrators, the CD contains product manuals, application descriptions, LNS configuration software and various software programs.
The e. control CD can be ordered on request.

Planning room automation
A cost estimation tool for cost group 484 (room automation) is available to the technical planner for draft planning. By specifying the area size and the scope of equipment, the costs of a room automation system including cable laying can be estimated. Thus, different variants can already be compared in the design phase. A configuration tool for rooms with flexible axes also helps to determine the correct system distributor. As a result, the specialist planner receives the exact equipment of the system distributor and a list of all necessary devices, including the minimum quantity of infrastructure components.
Checking economic efficiency
A software tool for calculating the economic efficiency of room automation systems compares their investment costs with the resulting operating cost savings. By entering the relevant variables, future annual results and capital development are available in an instant.
Software on CD
- ALEX project planning software
- Configuration software (LNS Plug-ins)
- IPLONGATE OPC data server
- Open LNS Server
Tender room automation
The e.control Viewer supports the specialist planner in tendering an open room automation system in every respect. He provides the following assistance:
VDI 3813 Automation diagrams
Automation diagrams are a clear representation form for automation tasks in room automation. The examples on the CD show the corresponding schema for all defined room functions, including the required control blocks. In addition to the examples in PDF format, there is a sample template according to VDI3813-2 for VISIO, incl. of all symbols.
VDI 3813 Function lists
Based on the room automation functions named in the automation schematics, function lists can be created for each room type. The EXCEL template on the CD corresponds to the VDI3813-2 and reflects the range of functions to be implemented. This tool supports the planner in defining room types and the bidder in costing. Example lists for all functions explain how to use them.
tender documents
Tender texts explain the system structure of the LON room automation system. In addition, all room automation functions are listed according to guideline VDI 3813. Reference is made to the LonMark profiles required for an interoperable LON system. The tender texts correspond to the sample texts published by LonMark Deutschland e.V. and are suitable for a manufacturer-neutral tender. Thanks to their GAEB-compatible format, they can be incorporated into any tendering software.
sample list of services
Position texts for all e.control devices, including the system distributors, are available for creating the power positions. The texts explain important technical features of the devices as well as software requirements. The texts are available both in GAEB format and as RTF text files.
- Detailed cost estimation during design planning
- Estimation of profitability via investment calculation
- Professional and VDI 3813-compliant planning aids
- Functional tender texts and model service specifications in GAEB and RTF format