Employees are the potential at any company. Their motivation is a requirement for success. e.control helps regulate the daily work environment so employees feel good. In the background, the system ensures not only that the individual temperature settings are maintained, but also provide glare-free work and sufficient lighting – wherever possible with natural sunlight and a view outdoors.
Increase performance
Feeling good ensures high motivation
e.control ensures comfort
- Optimal room climate increases motivation
- Convenient handling makes control easier
- Full operability ensures acceptance
- Innovative web server brings the controller to the workplace

Users are in control
With all this simplification, users still retain full control during their stay in the room. e.control provides an extensive selection of room control devices that communicate either by wire or by radio. Specifically for workplaces in flexible (open plan) office environments, the dialog Web server was designed to provide each and every employee with a virtual room control device in the Web browser of the work PC or IP telephone. That’s not just nice for the user, but also for the DGNB or LEED auditor, who will assign full points for allowing users influence.
Award for e.control: Best Automation System
The e.control room automation system was awarded the “Building Efficiency Award 2011” as the best automation system.